10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (2024)

All data is good, but not all data is relevant for making better decisions. That’s why salespeople need sales dashboards to visualize actionable data, analyze performance, and make key decisions.

10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (1)

In this article, we’ll cover what a sales dashboard is, examples of sales dashboards, and tips for using your sales dashboards.

What Is a Sales Dashboard?

How to Create a Sales Dashboard

Sales Dashboard Examples

Sales Dashboard Tips

What is a Sales Dashboard?

A sales dashboard is a visual representation of your sales data. As a salesperson, you can filter information using different time periods and even pull in real-time data with some sales dashboards.

10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (3)

Free Sales Metrics Calculator

A free, interactive template to calculate your sales KPIs.

  • Average Deal Size
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • And more!
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    10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (4)

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    Sales dashboards provide an overview of your key performance indicators (KPIs).Common metrics that are tracked include quota attainment, conversion/win rate, average deal size, revenue, and sales funnel leakage.

    Informed by the KPIs, sales leaders track the team’s progress toward goals and revenue targets, adjust compensation, and award bonuses. They can also identify issues before they become colossal problems and make other key decisions.

    How to Create a Sales Dashboard

    1. Determine which sales metrics you’ll track.
    2. Identify how your team will use the dashboard.
    3. Pick a sales dashboard provider.
    4. Pull data into the dashboard.
    5. Build reports for the sales dashboard.

    1. Determine which sales metrics you'll track.

    Are there specific goals or targets you’re trying to reach? A dashboard can help you visualize your progress toward those goals.

    First, start by identifying the sales metrics you want to track. Ask yourself the following questions:

    • What metrics do you regularly review in your company, one-on-one meetings, and among your sales team?
    • Do you consider some metrics more important than others?
    • What are your key performance indicators (KPIs)?
    • Do you have multiple sales teams within your organization?

    The sales metrics you choose will often fall into one or more of these categories:

    • Activity sales metrics.
    • Pipeline sales metrics.
    • Lead generation sales metrics.
    • Sales outreach metrics.
    • Primary conversion sales metrics.
    • Channel sales metrics.
    • Sales productivity metrics.
    • Rep hiring and onboarding metrics.
    • Sales process, tool, and training adoption metrics.

    If you don’t know where to begin, check out our guide to sales metrics to determine which pieces of information are most important to your sales organization.

    2. Identify how the dashboard will be used.

    There’s no one-size-fits-all sales dashboard, so you need to know how your team will use the dashboard.

    Is the dashboard going to help individual sales reps track their progress toward their monthly quota? Or will sales managers use it to see the top-performing reps for the quarter?

    Here are a few things to consider.

    • Who will use the dashboard? Sales reps, managers, VPs, or executives?
    • How will they use it?Are they checking the dashboard daily, weekly, or monthly?
    • What information will they want to see? Which metrics, visualizations, and calculations will they look at?

    Think about where your team will view the dashboard as well. For example, if you have an outside sales team who’ll be on the go, consider making a mobile-friendly version of the dashboard so your team can view it from a mobile phone, tablet, or computer.

    3. Pick a sales dashboard provider.

    If you’re already using a CRM, it likely comes with reporting dashboard features that your team can use. However, if you’re not using a CRM, there are stand-alone reporting tools for syncing or importing your data to create dashboards and reports.

    Sales Dashboard Software Providers

    1. HubSpot
    10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (5)

    HubSpot creates custom reports and dashboards for your team by pulling data directly from the HubSpot CRM. You can sync data from a wide range of apps and web services.

    What we love: HubSpot gathers all of your data in one place, creating a single source of truth for your team.

    2. Geckoboard

    Geckoboard is KPI dashboard tool that directly integrates with over 90 data sources including Hubspot Sales, Salesforce and Pipedrive. This is a no-code solution that takes the hassle out of building live dashboards. Here are 13 more sales dashboard examples from Geckoboard.

    What we love: Geckoboard’s drag-and-drop interface makes it ridiculously simple to create real-time KPI dashboards. We also love the sharing options where you can share your dashboard via a link, or set up automated notifications and reports on Slack.

    3. datapine

    10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (6)

    datapine is an intuitive business intelligence and dashboard software that allows you to swiftly generate interactive dashboards for different industries and functions, including sales. It provides a centralized and user-friendly environment to visualize multiple data sources in real time and boost your data-driven efforts.

    What we love: datapine offers multiple sharing options, including automated email dashboards and embedded analytics to boost sales team collaboration and communication.

    4. Klipfolio

    10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (7)

    This software allows you to use data from your CRM and combine it with data from the other services to create dashboards.

    What we love: Kipfolio also generates a sales team leaderboard. This can help you celebrate your top performers and foster healthy competition.

    5. Zoho Analytics

    10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (8)

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    Track key performance metrics by creating a custom report or using one of Zoho Analytics 60+ reports and dashboards.

    What we love: Zoho Analytics integrates fully with HubSpot. You can then merge your HubSpot CRM data with 100+ different data sources to create meaningful business reports.

    6. Coefficient

    10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (9)

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    With Coefficient, you can build dashboards that centralize your sales and marketing data right within your spreadsheet. You can also choose from a gallery of dashboards built specifically off your data source integration.

    What we love: Coefficient’s templates are unique in the fact that you can power them with your live data. No need to copy/paste or import/export. Make a copy of the template, then follow the prompts to sync live data from your tech stack, including HubSpot.

    7. Slemma

    With Slemma, you can build dashboards that centralize your sales and marketing data. You can also choose from a gallery of dashboards built specifically off your data source integration.

    What we love: Templates save you time and set you up for success.

    8. Visible

    10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (10)

    If you’re looking to create a dashboard to increase investor visibility, this is the software solution for you. With Visible, you can automate report creation, build dashboards, and drill down to see the details of your reports.

    What we love: For a new company or startup, this is the right app for you. It’s made specifically to help you keep these stakeholders in the loop.

    9. TapClicks

    TapClicks allows you to address sales challenges by creating reports and dashboards that identify warning signs. When a challenge arises, the software will notify your team so you can proactively find a solution.

    What we love: With TapClicks, you can take information from dashboards and turn it into slides or reports. Your data tells a story, and TapClicks makes sharing the message easy.

    10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (11)

    Free Sales Metrics Calculator

    A free, interactive template to calculate your sales KPIs.

    • Average Deal Size
    • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
    • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
    • And more!
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      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (12)

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      4. Pull data into the dashboard.

      If you’re using dashboards that integrate with your CRM, you’ll be able to easily sync the data between them.

      For example, the HubSpot CRM allows users to generate sales reports based on data from their customer database. You can create dashboards and reports to track sales performance, identify top-performing sales reps, create sales forecasts, and more.

      That said, the process will be manual if your team uses spreadsheets to manage prospects and customers and not a CRM. Luckily, there are sales dashboard templates for Excel that can help you build reports from scratch.

      5. Build reports for the sales dashboard.

      When building reports, you can pick from a wide range of charts to visualize your data. Depending on the data you’re adding to your dashboard, you can use charts for:

      • Comparing values (e.g., compare sales from two different territories). This can be shown as bar charts, column charts, line graphs, pie graphs, and scatter plots.
      • Composition (e.g., total sales broken down by sales rep). You can demonstrate where your sales come from with a pie chart, stacked bar chart, stacked column chart, area chart, or waterfall chart.
      • Trends (e.g., month-over-month revenue growth). Show trends with a line chart, dual-axis line chart, or column chart.

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (13)

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      Remember: The best visualizations are easy to read and actionable. Your dashboard users should read and understand the charts at a glance, without having to click the full report.

      Once the dashboard and reports are ready to go, share them with your team. Don’t be afraid to go back to the drawing board if some reports don’t meet the needs of your sales team.

      Sales Dashboard Examples

      Since there isn’t a universal dashboard that applies to all sales organizations, here’s a compilation of sales dashboard examples you can model.

      1. Sales Conversion Rate Dashboard

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (14)

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      Calculate progress throughout your entire sales pipeline with HubSpot’s free Sales Conversion and Close Rate Calculator. This interactive dashboard helps you analyze and set goals by month and quarter, forecast your lead-to-MQL rate, MQL-to-customer rate, lead-to-customer rate, and more.

      2. Sales Rep Dashboard

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (15)

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      Provide sales reps with a dashboard that allows them to track their individual performance. This dashboard includes reports for key metrics like meetings booked, open opportunities, the number of deals in their pipeline, forecasted revenue, and any other performance indicators your team uses.

      3. Sales Manager Dashboard

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (16)

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      This dashboard provides an overview of key metrics that sales managers use to measure performance. It includes a section for today’s stats, and it shows monthly progress toward the sales team’s new account target and MRR goal.

      4. Sales Leaderboard

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      See who's performing the best out of all your salespeople. Sales leaderboard dashboards typically include information on the number of completed activities (e.g., calls, emails, and meetings), new accounts, generated MRR, and customer retention numbers.

      5. Deal Performance Dashboard

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (18)

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      With the deal forecast front and center, members of your sales organization can see how much revenue they’re expected to close. The reports that follow show how many deals are at each stage of the sales process and how many have closed compared to the goal.

      6. Win/Loss Dashboard

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (19)Image Source

      This win/loss dashboard by Solver provides metrics on deal size, salesperson, and industry. Using it allows you to identify top performers in your team, understand why anyone won or lost deals, and iterate on your sales process.

      You can also compare your team’s close rates to the rates from the previous reporting period or industry benchmarks.

      7. Sales Performance by Region

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (20)

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      Where are you making the most sales? And what products are customers buying? This dashboard gives insight into which territories are selling the most of each product type. Plus, it provides an overview of MRR compared to the previous month.

      8. Sales Activities Dashboard

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (21)

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      A sales activities dashboard provides sales managers with a visual representation of what their reps are doing on a day-to-day basis. Plus, it gives broader information like the average number of activities per won deal.

      9. Performance Overview Sales Dashboard

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (22)

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      This dashboard features the key performance metrics, front and center. This makes it easy to read, and the most valuable information is the first thing you’ll see when the dashboard loads.

      10. Time-Tracking Sales Dashboard

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (23)

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      Do you have a sales team that’s always on the go? This time-tracking dashboard shows where your sales reps spend their time and how much revenue they’re generating.

      11. Sales To Target Template

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (24)

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      Need to keep a close eye on your company's sales goals and how you’re progressing toward your targets? Sync your live data into this template, establish customized sales targets based on teams or opportunity categories and effortlessly monitor advancements on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.

      10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (25)

      Free Sales Metrics Calculator

      A free, interactive template to calculate your sales KPIs.

      • Average Deal Size
      • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
      • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
      • And more!
      Learn more

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        Sales Dashboard Tips

        Are you inspired to crunch some numbers and build sales reports? Keep the following tips in mind as you create your own sales dashboard.

        1. Use a clean layout.

        Don’t make the visuals (e.g., graphs and charts) and colors too busy — this will distract from the data. Many dashboard tools allow you to lay out your reports in a grid. This helps you organize the data even further.

        When thinking about where to place your chart, apply human psychology. Research by The Nielsen Norman Group shows people view the left side of a webpage more frequently than the right. With this information in mind, create a flow of reports so users can read them from left to right, positioning the most important visuals on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

        10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (27)

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        2. Include calculations (when applicable).

        Calculations can add additional context to a report and help you save time.

        For example, you don’t want your team to go through the trouble of doing mental math to determine month-over-month revenue growth.

        3. Make the dashboard accessible.

        If you make the dashboards specifically meant for sales managers, VPs, or executives available to all, individual contributors can see which metrics and goals are important to leadership. Transparency is one way to motivate your sales reps because they can zoom out and see the impact their numbers have on the business.

        Getting Reporting Right

        With these tips in hand, I’m sure you're now better equipped to build your own sales dashboards. To take your learning further, check out the 102 sales metrics every manager should be tracking.

        Happy reporting!

        Topics: Sales Metrics

        10 Sales Dashboard Examples That'll Help You Set Up Your Own (2024)


        What to include in a sales dashboard? ›

        Some of the most common metrics included in a sales dashboard are:
        • Sales by region.
        • Sales to date.
        • Sales per rep.
        • Average purchase value.
        • Lead conversion rate.
        • Sell-through rate.
        • Quote-to-close.
        • Opportunities.
        May 11, 2023

        What is the sales forecast dashboard? ›

        Sales forecast dashboard

        It adds up the revenue you've already won and the revenue you're expecting to close in the current period. This expected revenue is calculated by multiplying the values of the opportunities you're expecting to close this period with the probabilities that you'll win them.

        What is the annual sales dashboard? ›

        A sales growth dashboard provides a high-level overview of your company's sales performance, focusing on key financial metrics and growth indicators. It is designed to help businesses monitor and analyze their sales data to identify trends, set goals, and make informed decisions to drive sales growth.

        What are the insights of sales dashboard? ›

        Sales dashboards simplify sales data, provide real-time insights, and aid decision-making. They visualize data, track performance, and forecast trends effectively. Implementing best design practices maximizes dashboard utility, enhancing strategies and performance.

        What is an example of a good dashboard? ›

        Google Analytics is the most well-known example of an analytics dashboard. It gives you a quick snapshot of the performance of your website. It allows you to drill down deeper for more insight.

        What should I include in my dashboard? ›

        Most of the time, you're going to be using a combination of numbers, bars, lines and tables and not much else.
        • Group your related metrics. ...
        • Be consistent. ...
        • Use size and position to show hierarchy. ...
        • Give your numbers context. ...
        • Use clear labels your audience will understand. ...
        • Remember it's for people. ...
        • Keep evolving your dashboards.

        How do I create a sales dashboard in sheets? ›

        To create a dashboard in Sheets, follow these steps:
        1. Collect your data. Input the data you want to summarize within a spreadsheet. ...
        2. Create a chart. ...
        3. Insert a new tab. ...
        4. Copy your chart. ...
        5. Add more charts. ...
        6. Format your dashboard.
        Jul 1, 2024

        Why do we need sales dashboard? ›

        The objective of a sales dashboard is to provide an overview of sales performance and successes, as well as track the progress of key metrics related to revenue generation. Sales leaders also use it to identify potential areas for improvement in the sales process.

        How to do a simple sales forecast? ›

        How to create a sales forecast
        1. List the goods and services you sell. In a sales forecast, you'll want to account for each product or service that you are selling so your forecast is accurate.
        2. Quantify your sales. Each sales forecasting method has its own way of estimating future sales: ...
        3. Make adjustments. ...
        4. Subtract costs.
        May 21, 2024

        How do you monitor daily sales? ›

        5 Easy Steps to Monitor Your Sales Progress
        1. Step 1: Establish Your Sales Goals. ...
        2. Step 2: Create a Plan to Measure Both Short-Term and Long-Term Goals. ...
        3. Step 3: Use Sales Tracking Software to Visualize Your Sales Pipeline. ...
        4. Step 4: Make Your Workload More Focused. ...
        5. Step 5: Apply Feedback and Strive to Improve.

        Who uses sales dashboard? ›

        Sales opportunities dashboard

        Used by more CRM-focused sales teams who need to track value of prospective deals, as they progress through the sales funnel. Learn more about this dashboard and how it's used.

        What is the sales vs budget dashboard? ›

        Budget dashboard enhances financial performance by tracking actual revenues against forecasted budgets. It offers real-time insights to improve decision-making. Mastering your financial landscape is crucial for business success, and a Sales vs.

        What is the objective of sales dashboard? ›

        Effective sales dashboards allow sales and RevOps executives to easily track their team's progress toward goals, manage pipeline and identify issues, and set forecasts based on data they trust.

        How do you demonstrate a dashboard? ›

        Design: Make sure your dashboard is easy to understand at a glance by organizing the data and using a consistent color scheme. Labels: Be concise and clearly label every piece of information. Interactivity: Use interactive elements as needed. This allows people to drill further into data or shows variability.

        What is seller dashboard? ›

        The Seller Dashboard lets a seller control just about everything needed to ensure that their business is running smoothly, including tracking and confirming sales, managing inventory, and viewing payment history, running reports, and more.

        What should be shown on a dashboard? ›

        What Should a Dashboard Contain?
        • Charts and graphs: Visual representations of information, such as bar charts, pie charts, trend graphs and meters, succinctly summarize complex information. ...
        • Metrics and KPIs: Most dashboards track KPIs and other metrics, often presenting them in visual form as meters or charts.
        Jan 20, 2022

        What should a dashboard report include? ›

        Common components of dashboard reports are charts, pivot tables, timelines, and KPI summaries. Some reports also incorporate interactive elements to help decision-makers turn data into actionable strategies—without needing several pages of extra data.

        What should be included in a business dashboard? ›

        What to include in a comprehensive business dashboard?
        • Key business objectives and their results;
        • The most important business metrics;
        • Trends and patterns of customer behavior;
        • Wherever necessary, include notes summarizing or providing context.


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        Author: Otha Schamberger

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        Views: 6546

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        Author information

        Name: Otha Schamberger

        Birthday: 1999-08-15

        Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

        Phone: +8557035444877

        Job: Forward IT Agent

        Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

        Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.