HealthTech Frenemies: Understanding the complex relationship (2024)

HealthTech Frenemies: Understanding the complex relationship (1)

Exec Summary:

Big tech and healthcare are in a complex relationship. On the one hand, big tech companies have the potential to revolutionise healthcare by developing new technologies and services that can improve the quality and affordability of care.

On the other hand, there are concerns about the potential for big tech companies to misuse patient data or to create monopolies in the healthcare industry.

Here are some examples of how big tech companies are involved in healthcare:

  • Google: Google is developing a variety of healthcare technologies, including AI-powered tools to help doctors diagnose diseases and to develop personalized treatment plans. Google is also developing wearable devices to track health data and to detect early signs of disease.

  • Amazon: Amazon is expanding its presence in healthcare by offering online pharmacy services and by developing its own healthcare devices. Amazon is also working with healthcare providers to improve the efficiency of care delivery.

  • Apple: Apple is developing a variety of health-related features for its devices, such as the Apple Watch and the iPhone. Apple is also working with healthcare providers to make it easier for patients to access their health data.

These are just a few examples of how big tech companies are involved in healthcare. The involvement of big tech in healthcare is likely to grow in the coming years, as big tech companies see healthcare as a new growth opportunity.

There are a number of potential benefits to the involvement of big tech in healthcare.

Big tech companies have the resources and the expertise to develop new technologies and services that can improve the quality and affordability of care. Big tech companies can also help to make healthcare more accessible to patients.

However, there are also a number of potential risks associated with the involvement of big tech in healthcare. One concern is that big tech companies may misuse patient data.

Another concern is that big tech companies may create monopolies in the healthcare industry. It is important to develop regulations to protect patient data and to prevent big tech companies from creating monopolies in the healthcare industry.

Overall, the relationship between big tech and healthcare is complex. There are both potential benefits and risks to the involvement of big tech in healthcare. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks carefully before making decisions about the role of big tech in healthcare.

Here are some specific actions that can be taken to mitigate the risks associated with the involvement of big tech in healthcare:

  • Develop strong data privacy regulations: These regulations should protect patient data from misuse by big tech companies.

  • Promote competition in the healthcare industry: This will help to prevent big tech companies from creating monopolies.

  • Empower patients to control their own data: This will give patients more control over how their data is used.

  • Educate patients about the risks and benefits of big tech in healthcare: This will help patients to make informed decisions about how to use big tech healthcare products and services.

By taking these actions, we can help to ensure that the involvement of big tech in healthcare benefits patients and society as a whole.

Nelson Advisors work with Founders, Owners and Investors to assess whether they should 'Build, Buy, Partner or Sell' in order to maximise shareholder value.

HealthTech M&A - Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for companies in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Visit

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HealthTech Corporate Development - Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for Founders, Owners and Investors. Email

Healthcare Technology Thought Leadership from Nelson Advisors – Market Insights, Analysis & Predictions. Visit

HealthTech Frenemies: Understanding the complex relationship (2)

Positive outcomes from big tech in healthcare

Big tech companies have the potential to revolutionise the healthcare industry by developing new technologies and services that can improve the quality, affordability, and accessibility of care. Here are some examples of positive outcomes from big tech in healthcare:

  • Improved diagnosis and treatment: Big tech companies are developing AI-powered tools that can help doctors to diagnose diseases more accurately and to develop personalised treatment plans for patients. For example, Google Health is developing an AI tool that can help doctors to diagnose cancer from medical images more accurately than human doctors can.

  • Early detection of disease: Big tech companies are developing new wearable devices and other sensors that can track health data such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. This data can be used to identify early signs of disease, such as heart disease or diabetes. For example, Apple Watch has a feature that can detect an irregular heart rhythm, which could be a sign of atrial fibrillation.

  • More accessible and affordable healthcare: Big tech companies can make healthcare more accessible and affordable by offering online pharmacy services and by developing their own healthcare devices. They can also work with healthcare providers to improve the efficiency of care delivery. For example, Amazon Pharmacy offers discounted prescription drugs and free delivery.

  • Better patient engagement: Big tech companies can help to improve patient engagement by providing patients with access to their health data and by making it easier for them to communicate with their healthcare providers. For example, MyChart is a patient portal that allows patients to view their medical records, schedule appointments, and communicate with their doctors online.

These are just a few examples of the positive outcomes that big tech can have in healthcare. Big tech companies have the potential to revolutionise the healthcare industry by developing new technologies and services that can improve the quality, affordability, and accessibility of care.

It is important to note that there are also some risks associated with the involvement of big tech in healthcare. These risks include the potential for big tech companies to misuse patient data and to create monopolies in the healthcare industry. It is important to develop regulations to protect patient data and to prevent big tech companies from creating monopolies in the healthcare industry.

HealthTech Frenemies: Understanding the complex relationship (3)

Negative outcomes from big tech in healthcare

It is important to learn from the failures of big tech in healthcare so that we can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. We need to develop regulations to protect patient data and to prevent big tech companies from creating monopolies in the healthcare industry.

We also need to work with big tech companies to ensure that they are developing products and services that are well-suited to the needs of the healthcare industry.

Here are some examples of negative outcomes from big tech in healthcare:

  • Misuse of patient data: Big tech companies have access to a vast amount of patient data. This data could be misused for advertising purposes or to develop new products and services without the patient's consent. For example, in 2019, it was revealed that Google had been collecting patient data from Ascension, a large Catholic healthcare system, without the patients' knowledge or consent.

  • Creation of monopolies: Big tech companies have the resources to acquire smaller healthcare companies and to create monopolies in the healthcare industry. This could lead to higher prices for healthcare products and services and to reduced competition. For example, in 2022, Amazon acquired PillPack, an online pharmacy, for $753 million. This acquisition has raised concerns about the potential for Amazon to create a monopoly in the pharmacy market.

  • Reduced privacy: Big tech companies are known for tracking their users' online activity. This tracking could be used to collect sensitive health data without the patient's consent. For example, in 2018, it was revealed that Facebook had been tracking the health data of its users without their consent.

  • Increased inequality: Big tech companies are disproportionately benefiting from the digital divide. This means that people who do not have access to the internet or to digital devices may be at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing healthcare services. For example, a study by the Pew Research Center found that 25% of low-income Americans do not have access to broadband internet. This could make it difficult for them to access online healthcare services.

These are just a few examples of the negative outcomes that big tech can have in healthcare. It is important to be aware of these risks and to take steps to mitigate them.

One way to mitigate the risks associated with the involvement of big tech in healthcare is to develop strong data privacy regulations. These regulations should protect patient data from misuse by big tech companies. Another way to mitigate the risks is to promote competition in the healthcare industry. This will help to prevent big tech companies from creating monopolies. Additionally, it is important to empower patients to control their own data.

This will give patients more control over how their data is used. Finally, it is important to educate patients about the risks and benefits of big tech in healthcare. This will help patients to make informed decisions about how to use big tech healthcare products and services.

Overall, the involvement of big tech in healthcare has the potential to have both positive and negative outcomes. It is important to be aware of both the potential benefits and risks and to take steps to mitigate the risks.

HealthTech Frenemies: Understanding the complex relationship (4)

Future paths

The involvement of big tech in healthcare is likely to grow in the coming years. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Big tech companies see healthcare as a new growth opportunity: The healthcare industry is a large and growing industry, and big tech companies see this as an opportunity to expand their business and generate new revenue streams.

  • Big tech companies have the resources and the expertise to develop new healthcare technologies and services:Big tech companies have the resources to invest in research and development, and they have the expertise to develop new technologies and services.

  • Big tech companies can make healthcare more accessible to patients: Big tech companies can reach a large number of people with their products and services. This can help to make healthcare more accessible to patients who live in rural areas or who have difficulty accessing traditional healthcare providers.

Here are some specific examples of how big tech companies are expected to play a bigger role in healthcare in the coming years:

  • Developing new AI-powered tools for diagnosis and treatment: Big tech companies are developing AI-powered tools that can help doctors to diagnose diseases more accurately and to develop personalised treatment plans for patients.

  • Developing new wearable devices and other sensors to track health data: Big tech companies are developing new wearable devices and other sensors that can track health data such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. This data can be used to identify early signs of disease and to track the effectiveness of treatments.

  • Making healthcare more accessible and affordable: Big tech companies can make healthcare more accessible and affordable by offering online pharmacy services and by developing their own healthcare devices. They can also work with healthcare providers to improve the efficiency of care delivery.

Overall, the involvement of big tech in healthcare is likely to grow in the coming years. This will have a significant impact on the healthcare industry and on the way that healthcare is delivered to patients.

It is important to note that there are some risks associated with the involvement of big tech in healthcare. These risks include the potential for big tech companies to misuse patient data and to create monopolies in the healthcare industry. It is important to develop regulations to protect patient data and to prevent big tech companies from creating monopolies in the healthcare industry.

Overall, the involvement of big tech in healthcare has the potential to improve the quality, affordability, and accessibility of healthcare. However, it is important to manage the risks associated with the involvement of big tech in healthcare.

Nelson Advisors work with Founders, Owners and Investors to assess whether they should 'Build, Buy, Partner or Sell' in order to maximise shareholder value.

HealthTech M&A - Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for companies in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Visit

HealthTech M&A Newsletter from Nelson Advisors - HealthTech, Health IT, Digital Health Insights and Analysis. Subscribe Today!

HealthTech Corporate Development - Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for Founders, Owners and Investors. Email

Healthcare Technology Thought Leadership from Nelson Advisors – Market Insights, Analysis & Predictions. Visit

HealthTech Frenemies: Understanding the complex relationship (5)
HealthTech Frenemies: Understanding the complex relationship (2024)


What happens after 3 years in a relationship? ›

It is said that couples who have been together for three years may know by the three-year mark if they want to remain together or not. They may start to see incompatibilities or find themselves arguing more. For some, the three-year mark may involve less conflict.

Why frenemies can be hazardous to your health? ›

Studies have found that having "frenemies" may be damaging to our mental and physical health. Frenemy encounters can raise blood pressure and are linked to long-term depression, studies found. It may help to avoid interactions, seek more positive relationships, and focus on personal growth.

How to end a complicated relationship? ›

How to Break Up With Someone You Love
  1. Put yourself in their position. Before breaking up with someone, put yourself in their position and the mental space they may be in during this difficult conversation. ...
  2. Don't assign blame. ...
  3. Carefully consider where you plan to have the conversation. ...
  4. Set clear boundaries.
Dec 15, 2023

What does understanding in a relationship mean? ›

Understanding encompasses empathizing with your partner's emotions, thoughts, and experiences and making an effort to communicate and relate to them effectively. It involves listening, respecting differences, and valuing their perspective. How important is understanding in a relationship? A lot!

How long can a relationship last without intimacy? ›

Again, this is not something that is easily generalizable but rather is specific to each person and relationship. Judging by this time window, two months without sex is not necessarily abnormal, though no sex for six months or more can be an overall sign of relationship dysfunction.

What's the hardest year in a relationship? ›

For some couples, it's year 5 or 6, and for others it's 8. But around this time, couples, even those in obviously healthy relationships, often experience a kind of personal crisis where they start to question much of what they'd come to expect from their relationship.

Why do toxic people target you? ›

Insecurity is part of the 'why'.

Toxic people try to knock you down a peg when they feel threatened by you. Their trigger could be your competence, your kindness, or your intelligence. Anything about you could ruin their day which is also why their behavior is not your burden to carry.

How do you stop frenemies? ›

Here are five loving ways to disconnect with frenemies:
  1. Think loving and compassionate thoughts toward the person in question. ...
  2. Say no. ...
  3. Talk to this person about needing some space in a loving way. ...
  4. Speak kindly of this person to others. ...
  5. Remember, you come first.

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Breadcrumbing refers to a form of manipulation — whether intentional or not — involving one person “feigning interest and acting as though they feel sincerely interested and invested in a relationship with another person when they are not,” said Dr.

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25 telltale signs that the relationship is over for him
  • He's asking for too much space; it doesn't make sense. ...
  • You feel it deep within. ...
  • You are also losing interest in the relationship. ...
  • Communicating with him is like talking to a statue. ...
  • He no longer initiates sex. ...
  • Having sex with you feels like a chore.
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What to say to break up with someone you love? ›

Breaking Up: What to Say
  • Say something positive about the time you've been together. ...
  • Say what's not working (your reason for the break-up). ...
  • Say you want to break up. ...
  • Say you're sorry if it hurts. ...
  • Say something kind or positive. ...
  • Listen to what the other person wants to say.

Can you love someone but not understand them? ›

Love without understanding is probably really more like lust or greed. Understanding is more important, because that creates the conditions for love. Understanding is more important, as love without understanding won't last. Understanding someone is more of a feat than falling in love.

What is mu in a relationship? ›

Mutual understanding or MU is a term used usually between 2 people that like each other. In other words, the relationship is already implied. There's no courtship or get to know dating beforehand. In tagalog/filipino MU is also slang for “Mag-Uń” or “they are a couple“ or “ the relationship is on/online”.

What happens when there is no understanding in a relationship? ›

If our significant others do not understand or get who we are and how we feel, we are left with a feeling of being misunderstood. It can also lead to feeling alone because only someone who truly knows us, rather than just thinking they know us, can truly love us for who we actually are.

Why is year 3 the hardest in a relationship? ›

If either partner feels they aren't growing personally while in the relationship, it can lead to feelings of stagnation or resentment—common culprits behind the three-year itch. Your partner might think of you as holding them back, or you might resent your partner for preventing you from living a different life.

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Settling Down Phase: 3+ years

In this relationship stage, there likely won't be a lot of surprises. Sure, there are always some surprises because we're all ever-evolving human beings. But there are a lot less than you likely experienced in the first few phases of a relationship.

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California has a "Romeo and Juliet" law that provides some leniency in cases involving minors who are close in age. If both individuals engaging in sexual activity are minors and the age difference is three years or less, it may be considered a misdemeanor offense rather than a felony.

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Long-term relationships tend to last anywhere from two to three years, with couples breaking up around this time. Not surprisingly, this is when many couples experience the oxytocin dip and feel less infatuated with each other. They may begin to notice relational issues that bother them or feel unresolvable.


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.